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Adjust weights for the kpis for the gfz sensor management system

This MR adjusts the weights of the sensor management system.

In the past we had 50% users and for the rest an equal weighting of devices, platforms, configurations and sites (each 12.5 %).

We want to stay with 50% users, but the rest we suggest the following change:

  • Devices 20%
  • Platforms 15%
  • Configurations 10%
  • Sites 5%

So the new weighting scheme takes devices more into account, sites way less.

The reason for this suggestion is the hierarchy of the elements within the sensor management system:

The main entities are the devices. They can be used in the field & held information about the measured quantities. Everything in the SMS is centered around them.

Devices can be mounted (or deployed) on other devices - and then maybe on platforms.

Both can then be used within a configuration. And several configurations can be bound to a site.

If we have a climate station for example.

We have then the following hierarchy:

  • Station (Platform)
    • Logger (Device)
      • Temperature device
      • Wind vane
      • ... Such a hierarchy can be seen as one configuration (for example the clima station Heydenhof that we operate as part of the german lowlands site of tereno).

There can be quite a lot of those configurations - then then can be bound to the sites.

For the german lowlands for tereno we provide data for around 80 configurations. All of them are then bound to one site.

The site hierachry however can be nested too.

Our german lowland site is part of the tereno observatories for example.

So the overall hierarchy in the sms is:

  • Site > Sub site > configuration > Platform > Logger (device) > Devices

And we think the suggested weighting scheme in this commit here is a better fit for what we have.

Merge request reports