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use case HIFIS / HI demo, 3D cells, service orchestration

Lisa Berenike Kuhli (Desy) requested to merge usecase-demo-3d-cells into master

This use case presents the demo from the HIFIS review, §D rendered cells using an orchestrated service pipeline

to do

  • Restructure text: The paper is merely for exemplary data, not the main purpose of the demo. The high-level purpose of service orchestration and the first potential high-level customer of these, HIP, should be introduced in the first place
  • Rework text
  • Add new/demo graphics
  • clarify that: if necessary clean cloud-picture, delete scripture to make it look nicer
  • Decide on video yes/no
    • if yes: add link to video with an explanatory sentence
  • Add link to e.g. pdf of presentation or a quick-and-dirty version of the presentation video (Andreas sound only, just the presentation without any further inlays)
  • Prettier formatting of header (many labels seem to lead to squeezing the rest) 👉 !726 (merged)
    • Clarify the need of so many tags


  • adjust date of publication
  • check, if GitLab or Codebase is correct here (both in text and tags)
Edited by Uwe Jandt (DESY, HIFIS)

Merge request reports