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Bump pytest from 8.0.2 to 8.1.0

HIFIS Bot requested to merge dependabot-pip-pytest-8.1.0 into master

Bumps pytest from 8.0.2 to 8.1.0.

Release notes

Sourced from pytest's releases.


pytest 8.1.0 (2024-03-03)


  • #11475: Added the new consider_namespace_packages{.interpreted-text role="confval"} configuration option, defaulting to False.

    If set to True, pytest will attempt to identify modules that are part of namespace packages when importing modules.

  • #11653: Added the new verbosity_test_cases{.interpreted-text role="confval"} configuration option for fine-grained control of test execution verbosity. See Fine-grained verbosity <pytest.fine_grained_verbosity>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for more details.


  • #10865: pytest.warns{.interpreted-text role="func"} now validates that warnings.warn{.interpreted-text role="func"} was called with a [str]{.title-ref} or a [Warning]{.title-ref}. Currently in Python it is possible to use other types, however this causes an exception when warnings.filterwarnings{.interpreted-text role="func"} is used to filter those warnings (see [CPython #103577](python/cpython#103577) for a discussion). While this can be considered a bug in CPython, we decided to put guards in pytest as the error message produced without this check in place is confusing.

  • #11311: When using --override-ini for paths in invocations without a configuration file defined, the current working directory is used as the relative directory.

    Previoulsy this would raise an AssertionError{.interpreted-text role="class"}.

  • #11475: --import-mode=importlib <import-mode-importlib>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} now tries to import modules using the standard import mechanism (but still without changing :pysys.path{.interpreted-text role="data"}), falling back to importing modules directly only if that fails.

    This means that installed packages will be imported under their canonical name if possible first, for example app.core.models, instead of having the module name always be derived from their path (for example

  • #11801: Added the iter_parents() <_pytest.nodes.Node.iter_parents>{.interpreted-text role="func"} helper method on nodes. It is similar to listchain <_pytest.nodes.Node.listchain>{.interpreted-text role="func"}, but goes from bottom to top, and returns an iterator, not a list.

  • #11850: Added support for sys.last_exc{.interpreted-text role="data"} for post-mortem debugging on Python>=3.12.

  • #11962: In case no other suitable candidates for configuration file are found, a pyproject.toml (even without a [tool.pytest.ini_options] table) will be considered as the configuration file and define the rootdir.

  • #11978: Add --log-file-mode option to the logging plugin, enabling appending to log-files. This option accepts either "w" or "a" and defaults to "w".

    Previously, the mode was hard-coded to be "w" which truncates the file before logging.

  • #12047: When multiple finalizers of a fixture raise an exception, now all exceptions are reported as an exception group. Previously, only the first exception was reported.

Bug Fixes

  • #11904: Fixed a regression in pytest 8.0.0 that would cause test collection to fail due to permission errors when using --pyargs.

    This change improves the collection tree for tests specified using --pyargs, see 12043{.interpreted-text role="pull"} for a comparison with pytest 8.0 and <8.

... (truncated)

  • b9a167f Prepare release version 8.1.0
  • 00043f7 Merge pull request #12038 from bluetech/fixtures-rm-arg2index
  • f4e1025 Merge pull request #12048 from bluetech/fixture-teardown-excgroup
  • 43492f5 Merge pull request #12051 from jakkdl/test_debugging_pythonbreakpoint
  • 82fe28d [automated] Update plugin list (#12049)
  • 5e2ee71 monkeypatch.delenv PYTHONBREAKPOINT in two tests that previously failed/skipped
  • 89ee449 Merge pull request #11997 from nicoddemus/11475-importlib
  • 8248946 Do not collect symlinked tests under Windows (#12050)
  • 434282e fixtures: use exception group when multiple finalizers raise in fixture teardown
  • d6134bc doc: document consider_namespace_packages option
  • Additional commits viewable in compare view

Merge request reports