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Bump pytest from 7.4.4 to 8.0.0

HIFIS Bot requested to merge dependabot-pip-pytest-8.0.0 into main

Bumps pytest from 7.4.4 to 8.0.0.

Release notes

Sourced from pytest's releases.

pytest 8.0.0 (2024-01-27)

See 8.0.0rc1 and 8.0.0rc2 for the full changes since pytest 7.4!

Bug Fixes

  • #11842: Properly escape the reason of a skip <pytest.mark.skip ref>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} mark when writing JUnit XML files.
  • #11861: Avoid microsecond exceeds 1_000_000 when using log-date-format with %f specifier, which might cause the test suite to crash.


pytest 8.0.0rc2 (2024-01-17)


  • #11233: Improvements to -r for xfailures and xpasses:
    • Report tracebacks for xfailures when -rx is set.
    • Report captured output for xpasses when -rX is set.
    • For xpasses, add - in summary between test name and reason, to match how xfail is displayed.
  • #11825: The pytest_plugin_registered{.interpreted-text role="hook"} hook has a new plugin_name parameter containing the name by which plugin is registered.

Bug Fixes

  • #11706: Fix reporting of teardown errors in higher-scoped fixtures when using [--maxfail]{.title-ref} or [--stepwise]{.title-ref}.

  • #11758: Fixed IndexError: string index out of range crash in if highlighted[-1] == "\n" and source[-1] != "\n". This bug was introduced in pytest 8.0.0rc1.

  • #9765, #11816: Fixed a frustrating bug that afflicted some users with the only error being assert mod not in mods. The issue was caused by the fact that str(Path(mod)) and mod.__file__ don't necessarily produce the same string, and was being erroneously used interchangably in some places in the code.

    This fix also broke the internal API of PytestPluginManager.consider_conftest by introducing a new parameter -- we mention this in case it is being used by external code, even if marked as private.

pytest 8.0.0rc1 (2023-12-30)

See for the rendered changelog.

Breaking Changes

Old Deprecations Are Now Errors

  • #7363: PytestRemovedIn8Warning deprecation warnings are now errors by default.

    Following our plan to remove deprecated features with as little disruption as possible, all warnings of type PytestRemovedIn8Warning now generate errors instead of warning messages by default.

    The affected features will be effectively removed in pytest 8.1, so please consult the deprecations{.interpreted-text role="ref"} section in the docs for directions on how to update existing code.

    In the pytest 8.0.X series, it is possible to change the errors back into warnings as a stopgap measure by adding this to your pytest.ini file:


... (truncated)

  • 478f823 Prepare release version 8.0.0
  • 6085900 [8.0.x] fix: avoid rounding microsecond to 1_000_000 (#11863)
  • 3b41c65 [8.0.x] Escape skip reason in junitxml (#11845)
  • 747072a [8.0.x] Update docstring of scripts/ (#11768)
  • 011a475 Properly attach packages to the GH release notes (#11839) (#11840)
  • 97960bd Merge pull request #11835 from pytest-dev/release-8.0.0rc2
  • 6be0a3c Prepare release version 8.0.0rc2
  • 44ffe07 Merge pull request #11837 from pytest-dev/backport-11836-to-8.0.x
  • 14ecb04 [8.0.x] testing: temporarily disable test due to hypothesis issue
  • 41c8dab Merge pull request #11831 from bluetech/backport-11825-to-8.0.x
  • Additional commits viewable in compare view

Merge request reports