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  • femiadeyemi's avatar
    Cerebrum-API: refactor the controllers and make code DRY · 70b43658
    femiadeyemi authored
    The Cerebrum API controllers have the same structure and design
    implementation. This leads to quite a number of code dublications.
    - decouple the service code from the controllers and create a
        service per controller
    - create an inteface for the cerebrum's controllers service
    - create a common base class for all the services.
    - adjust the controller to use its corresponding service
    - add tests to check the unchecked part of the base service class
    - create a new method called checkUuidValidity to the
        CerebrumEntityUuidGenerator class. This method will throw
        an exception if uuid is invalid.
    Reduce dublication from 1.7% to 0%  and increase code maintainability.
    Target: master