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  • femiadeyemi's avatar
    add build and release process · cec13965
    femiadeyemi authored
    Since this project will be a dependency for other projects we are
    working on, we need a well managed artifact creation. Also, the
    deployment and releases of this artifact is necessity for this project.
    We will be using Apache maven which is a well established and
    robust software project management tool.
    - create a custom assembly descriptor called `hmw.xml` which is used
        by maven-assembly-plugin for easy build distribution.
    - add a javascript module bundler called `rollup` to optimise code for
        production and minifies JS, html and lit-html templates.
    - add support for build, release and deploy processes in the `pom.xml`
    - a new artifact can be created for a new version
    - easily deploy artifact to the dcache nexus repositories
    Pull-request: #7
    Acked-by: Carsten Heidmann 
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