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  • femiadeyemi's avatar
    organisations-api: add integration tests · 937ce44b
    femiadeyemi authored
    The organisations api can handle varieties of request. Since
    this will evolve over time, integration tests are needed to
    ensure that basic functionalities are not broken when a new
    patch is submitted.
    - add various tests scenarios to cover all HTTP methods in the
        organisations API
    - adjust the organisations controller:
        - post method to return 201, location url in the header
            and a json body that contain the newly create organisation
        - put method to return 200 if the uuid already exist or 201
            if it is a new uuid.
        - get, put and patch will first check the validity of the uuid
            and thrown and exception if the uuid is invalid.
        - change the return type of deleteUuid from void to long
    - create CerebrumInvalidUuidException which will be use for invalid
    - add two exceptions to the CerebrumExceptionHandler which are
        CerebrumInvalidUuidException and HttpMessageNotReadableException
        (this is for malformed json or json+patch)
    - add tests to check that CerebrumExceptionHandler handle those two
        new added exceptions
    - fix some minor bugs inside CerebrumEntityUuidGenerator
    - obtain and set aai token variable that will be use by the ci
    Improve test coverage for organisation API and some minor
    bug fixes.
    Target: master
    Acked-by: Franz Stephan